Door Prize Slips
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8/7/2000 Pillars of Strength Unit

Here are some new DPS questions a group of us came up with at our recent
unit workshop.

1. To receive you favorite item, would you like to pay
a. full price, then write FULL
b. 1/2 price, then write 1/2
c. at no cost, then write a big 0 (zero)

2. If you could take one thing off my table home with you tonight, what would it be? (Then multiply the cost of that item by 4 and tell them
that is how much in sales they would need to receive that item at no

3. Use the Tuscany Lamp (4-booking gift) and ask:
a. Do you like it? Write "like it".
b. Do you love it? Write "love it."
c. Do you gotta have it? Write "gotta have it."

4. Ask them to fill in the blanks. "My (sister, best friend, mother,
etc. ) who is not present here tonight would absolutely LOVE to have the
(name of item) at no cost, and her name and information is listed on the

5. If I had an extra $500 per month, I would ______________________.

More Door Prize Slips Ideas:
dps/1000dps.html ] dps/door.htm ]

This page last updated  August 09, 2004