Business in a Box
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BUSINESS IN A BOX Sandy Huckleberry, SUL

Use a file cabinet, a portable file box or a great box to begin with will be your literature box. You will also need file folders or hanging folders.

The Tickler File

Begin the month with the current Month Folder and folders 1-31 behind it. Each day check your folder and see what needs to be done for the day. Once the folder is empty, remove Day 1 and put it behind Next Months Folder. The next day check Day 2, if you start that item and can't complete until the 5th, place that item in the 5th for example and place Day 2 when completed behind folder 1. I find this method wonderful for 2+2 calls. Checking your folders daily will help you make those return calls on the day you said you should.

I use the Month folders for things like Birthday cards. Have to send your mother a Birthday card, place it in the month you have to send it and once you sort the things in your Month folder for the month, place the card in the Day Folder you want to mail it. Or, use for door prize slips, someone wants to hold a Show in August, place them into your July folder to schedule four weeks out.

  • 1-31 Day Folders - when you need to do something you put it into the day you want it done.
  • January - December Month Folders - put what you need done in a certain month here.

The Information File

  • Product Folders: Brass, Crystal, Wrought Iron, Sconces, 3-wicks, lamps, etc. - For door prize slips. On question #2 when they say Ascent, you put their door prize slip in the Wrought Iron Folder and when the Ascent becomes a special you can go to that folder and find everyone who liked that piece and make 2+2 calls. You can also check these files when items are being discontinued at the end of the year.
  • Tax Folders: Auto Expense, Bank Statement/Charges, Client Gifts, Training/Meetings, Promotional Gifts, Postage, Lodging/Travel, Meals/Entertainment, Office Supplies, Printing, Show Supplies (COF and Profit Checks), Telephone - Place receipts for your business into these folders. At the end of year, you can add up your receipts in each category and your taxes are done.
  • Supply Folders: COF, ROF, Hostess Collection Envelopes, Booking Certificates, etc - A great place to store supplies and also to order easily from your Unit Leader.
  • Pending Folder: A place to keep all copies of COFs and Contest claim forms, Recommending Claim forms, Sponsoring Claim Forms, once the order is received I staple the packing slip to the form and file it in my Tax Folder under the correct category.

The Stash File
Check your stash monthly if at the end of the month you have 10 left then make up 15 more. Always have 25 on hand.

  • 25 Hostess Packets - filled and highlighted. Guest list, return stamped envelope, hostess checklist, hostess letter 1 or Hostess Brochure, Have It All Brochure, order forms. (I add catalogs when I send them out, this way I don't tie up my books and know how many I have on hand.)
  • 25 Sponsoring Packets - Have It All and 10 Most Asked Questions
  • 50 Wrapped Votives for Door Prizes
  • 300 Invitations - highlighted
  • 200 Hint Cards - highlighted
  • 100 Catalogs with name and number
  • 25 Letters #2
  • 25 Thank you Letters
  • Always have 2 packages of Guest Order Forms on hand at all times

Other ideas for your Files:

Close a Show -

  • File your Show green copies with door prize slips attached to each order, 1 week out from the day your Show was mailed to [company].
  • Call pillar at this time, check on arrival and delivery, call the Hostess and inform her on the status of her show. File the green copies in the date you expect deliver to occur
  • Call the Hostess check on the order. If not okay, write up an ROF, paperclip it to the Show, place 1 week out.
  • After 1 week, call the guests, how do they like their product, would they like to have a Show, how often would they like to be called: once a quarter, new catalogs, every 6 months, when favorite becomes a hostess special etc. Place their order form and door prize slip into another month or file in your favorite items folder.

Booking Forms -

  • Complete fill in the top section of the Booking Credit Form. Fill in the names and dates of the bookings, place the Booking Form into the first booked date (for example: 1st booking 6/15, place in the Day folder 15)
  • Once it has been held, record the information and move the form to the date of the next Show (for example 2nd booking 7/2, place in the Day folder 2 behind July).
  • Continue moving the booking form until all the Shows are held and then call the Hostess and redeem the gifts. File the a copy of the form 2 weeks out
  • Check on deliver and file under Client Gifts in your Tax Folders.

File your Show Hostess Checklist in the Day folder that something needs to be done i.e. mailing invitations, making a follow-up call, etc. This keeps you on track for your hostess coaching.

For Possible Consultants - 
Complete a Possible Consultant Sheet and move this sheet from day to day until she makes a decision. If she says she cannot begin until May, move her into the April Month folder for future contact.

[Company] Monthly Calendar - 
By using the HOT dates, i.e. Call the Hotline for next Months Hostess Specials. Move the calendar to the next HOT date. Paperclip a COF to the Calendar, the day the Specials are offered, order the specials and any other items you need. Check your Supply Folders and paperclip a list of needed literature from your Leader to your next WAC Day Folder.

The possibilities are endless of what can be moved from day to day: WAC Sheet, Meeting Dates, Call Pillar on Tues/Thurs., Bills to be paid, Oil Changes, Kids' events, appointments, etc.

Beginning a business in an organized manner will change the success of what you are doing! A job well done is a job worth doing!

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This page last updated April 17, 2004

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BoB Admins: Belinda Johnson, Jackie Whiteker, Steve Tucky was created May 23, 1998
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