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7/29/2000 Happy Days/Rainmakers/Wishes of the Heart Regional Kickoff
Shelley Becker, RVP, Rainmakers

This is Shelley's plan to get to Paris. Shelley has never missed earning a trip yet in her 3 years with PL, you can bet she'll be in Paris! In 1998 Shelley was one of the top 3 in sponsoring for 1998 in Reflections. The key? OFFER the opportunity to every hostess. Here are more tips from our notes from Regional Kickoff.

You have 12 months. Make a plan and make it now.

  • Hold 12 shows per month,
  • 3 shows per week average. 
  • Have 12 guests at each show

Hostess coaching is the key. Tell your hostesses that they need: 

  • 10 guests in attendance and 2 outside orders or 
  • 2 guests in attendance and 10 outside orders. 

Tell them if they have 12 guests, you will give them a special gift, and "almost all of your hostesses have made it this month." (they don't want to be the one that doesn't)

Hostess Coaching: say, "My goal is to give away $1250 in Hostess Credit this month - A FREE SHOPPING SPREE FOR YOU!!! I'm only $400 away - can you help me out and take some of it? I've got _____ and _____ days open for fall parties!"

If you hold 12 shows per month with 12 guests each and give out at least 3 sponsor packets* at each show, you should get 12 sponsors in the next 12 months!

*Give sponsor packets to: 

  1. your hostess, 
  2. your favorite person in the audience, 
  3. and the most intimidating guest.

More Paris Tips:

last updated 08/09/03