More Display Ideas 5/22/2000
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All pictures shown on BoB Display Pics Pages are freely available for you to use and edit as you wish. However - if you do use them PLEASE make a contribution to the ACS fund directly to the company to show your appreciation for the creativity and time that went into sharing the graphics!

If you have pictures you would like to share, email them to me! -Belinda 

rwbdisplay.jpg (27226 bytes)

From the Rainmakers Regional Saturday, May 20, 2000. (If you are from Rainmakers and can tell me who the awesome consultants were who were responsible for these displays I'd be grateful!)

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As you can see we had some great displays based around patriotic and summer themes. 
Something as simple as using the peglites from the Quilted Crystal Pair (two pairs) and using red, white, and blue votives changes the Revere Candelabra into a new look.rwbrevere.jpg (31934 bytes)

Very simple, inexpensive add-ons like colored marbles, fabrics from Wal-mart, glittery star garland - all add drama and glitz to a simple display.


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Increase your average sale by stacking two or three quad prisms with different colored tealights in each level for a stunning grouping.

What's more sunoo.jpg (24039 bytes)sunbarr.jpg (22759 bytes)Summery than Sunflowers?
Add blue marbles and silk flowers along with some inexpensive summery gingham fabric to your display, match it with coordinated candle colors, and you'll be surprised at your customers response.

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sunwren.jpg (16622 bytes)Set your Wren's House atop the brass Falmouth to imitate a bird's house on a post.

This consultant recommended turning the Falmouth upside-down, so the porcelain house rested on the felt bottom - made it less likely to slide.


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This page last updated  August 09, 2003