Booking Contest Results
[Best of Boards]  [BoB for Bunnies] [Tealited Tidbits]

Wow this was hard to judge.

I did not realize how many entries we had submitted until I tried to narrow it down! To be as fair as possible - I printed off all the entries minus names, cut them apart and read through each individual idea separately several times. I narrowed it down to 11 on Sunday, then re-read them a couple more times this week - narrowing the 11 down to 5, then to the final 3 winning ideas.

ALL the ideas were awesome - and I urge you to try any or all of them out over the next year (LOL it will take you that long to work them all in to your shows!)

I'm going to find a better way to judge this next contest in February.

Killer Kollectables3rd Prize:
(Killer Kollectables)
Checkbook Cover & Button

Booking Coupons

Renee S. Parry, FlameOn Unit, DiNamite Region

Enclose three booking coupons in each hostess packet. The coupon should state:  "BOOKING COUPON"  redeemable with (Consultants name). Call me at xxx-xxxx prior to (hostess' name/show date) to book your own shopping spree!

Book your show prior to (Hostess' name) show and you and the hostess split a dozen votives of your choice once your show is held.

Restrictions: your show must be held within 60 days of (hostess' name) show to qualify for this special offer.

Then when you hostess coach tell your hostess to hand these booking certificates out to three of his/her friends and that she could end up not only getting another 1 1/2 dozen votives if all the show are held within 60 days of her show, 1 within 30 days of her show.  But she could also get $75.00 in free or the three booking gift. Spice up as you wish but try to keep it simple.  This really entices hostess prior to the show and thus making it less stressful the night of the show for trying to get a booking so she gets her highest hostess credit. Good luck and feel free to contact me if you need clarification.

Cards By Shelby2nd Prize
Cards By Shelby Notecards

People You Know!


Jenn Wings of Fire, Thunder Region

I started a new game at my show and it only takes about 2 minutes to play.  I have a piece of paper in each folder that contains 12 different "people you know" categories (friends, relatives, church).  I name off one category at a time and give them approximately 10 seconds to write down as many first names under that category that they can think of, and then I go name the next category...and so on for all 12.  At the end I ask them to count up as the number of people on their list and I give a little gift to the person with the most.  Then I give a little gift to the person with the fewest (usually around 15 names).  I use that person as an example of how successful any show can be, because in just two minutes that person (along with everyone else) has already put together an invitation list.  Hope this works for you!!

Cameo Candle Pins
1st Prize:
Candle Cameo Pin

Car Carpet



I have an awesome display idea that can easily incorporate into a theme party.  One day I caught my wonderfully bright two-year old son Jack playing with his "car carpet".  You know the one!  The one that has roads and buildings printed on it. Thinking that this carpet somewhat resembled the board game "Life" I got a great idea!

I take all of the tea light houses that are available and place them on the mat.  Then I borrow a few of my son's match box cars and put them on the mat to make it look more realistic. (Fire Engines next to the Fire Station...etc) I bought a Life game at the local thrift store and cut out the spinner in the middle.  I then got a HUGE piece of poster board and put the colored numbers on it with a brief explanation of what each of them represented.

1=1/2 price item
2=Free Tax & Shipping

I go through my demonstration of our wonderful tea light houses and what great gift ideas they make. I have a few "Games of Life" I have made up to play with them.  (If you want I can E-mail these to anyone who wants them!) Then I use the spinner to get bookings.  Anyone who agrees to book a party gets to spin.  When they successfully hold a show that is at least $200 and has one booking they will get either the prize they spun for or the tea light house of their choice!

I need each of the three winners to email their address to me at so that I can get your prizes on their way to you!


555 Party ] Book and Win ] [ Booking Contest Results ] Booking Thank You Letter ] Fall Booking Letter ] Dating Parties is a Frame of Mind ] Gift Bags ] Votive Necklaces ] Overcoming Objections ] Stay Alive - Book Week Five ]